
Based in Glasgow, I taught myself how to make orienteering maps during the Covid lockdown of 2020 as a way to keep on orienteering and have made about a dozen maps since that time. The vast majority of these maps are now used for the Clydeside Orienteers (CLYDE) although I am currently working on a new map of the Emmerdennen for Hoc'93 and have updated ECKO's map of Creag Mhic Chailein while planning for the 2023 Scottish Individual Championship. My preference is for rough Scottish terrain (forests, marshes, muirs, hills) although I have made the odd urban/sprint map.

Maps are made with the latest version of OCAD, using LiDAR data combined with aerial photography. Where possible other data sources are used such as infrared photography & vector maps (for example, the Netherlands is well supplied) as well as old maps. A base map is typically produced in about a day but extensive surveying is required for the important details. Surveying is carried out using modern GNSS with a resolution/accuracy of ~0.5m.

An example urban sprint map: M8dness an ISSprOM 2019-2 map of the area around/under the M8 motorway in Glasgow used for a June 2022 CLYDE event. Dundasvale Court provides multi-level orienteering.

An example classic forest map: map of Mugdock Country Park north of Milngavie used for a June 2023 CLYDE evening event. Detailed vegetation was mapped initially using LiDAR data and subsequently optimised by numerous recces using GNSS.

Orienteering maps and courses in and around Glasgow




Hill O


  • Gleniffer braes: map update in progress for CLYDE (2022, kind of stalled, sorry).

Older projects
